Tech Musings

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Photoshop "Paste in Place" Workaround

For the life of me I don't understand why Photoshop (as of CS2) has not encorporated the "paste in place" command that is available in Macromedia software programs like Fireworks and Flash. Maybe the next release of Photoshop will include this feature now that Macromedia has been acquired by Adobe. I also hope the next release of Photoshop will also institute Firework's "Fit to Canvas" command.

Here is a nice little workaround that I recently used on the iMac graphic I created for a recent TRF newsletter. First save your selection. Then duplicate the image and load your saved selection in the duplicated image. Switch to the move tool and SHIFT +drag the selection back into your original image. This will position the element in the same spot.

Many thanks to David Nagel's post for this helpful tip.